5 Most Famous Essay Writers and Their Works


Probably, every modern person will agree that writing an essay is a very difficult assignment and requires a certain skill from a person. Therefore, not everyone can successfully cope with this task. But thanks to the help of experts, we can write an excellent essay on a certain topic. It’s very easy today to contact an essay writing agency and get highly qualified support from professional academic writers. But still, it’s worth learning how to write an essay without any help. In this article, we will tell you about the five most prominent essay writers. Try to read the article carefully and highlight important points for yourself.

Famous Essay Writers

So, information about the outstanding essay authors is represented below.

George Orwell

George Orwell is the author of the essay “My Country, Right or Left”. This paper should be read by every sane person who understands the importance of liberal values ​​and is ready to evaluate his past and present, proceeding not from pseudo-patriotism, but from understanding that love for the native land consists in not only remarking on successes, but also revealing shortcomings, problems, and injustice. Due to the fact that a person can see black in the history of his Fatherland and speak frankly about historical and modern abscesses, he becomes a real patriot who loves his homeland. Honesty in evaluations always distinguishes patriots from pseudo-patriots.

Herbert Wells

Herbert Wells wrote the well-known essay “About the mind and cleverness”. Wells’ concise essay was devoted to the phenomenon of ‘originals’, which spread by the end of the 19th century: according to Wells, they were not only well-versed in all matters but had their own opinions on any issue, and most importantly, they joked about everything with an enviable gleam. According to the author, the works of art of the ‘wise men’ are nothing but the best witticisms placed in a frame. After thinking about who feels good at such jokes and concluding that no one is, Wells decides on a broader discussion — about the fate of the states and those who are at their head. “I assure you, the rational is the opposite of the great. The British Empire, like the Roman Empire, was created by dumbasses. And it is possible that clever men will destroy us”, — writes Wells, and then in one paragraph explains the relationship between great art and the ability to avoid that petty egoism, the manifestation of which is cleverness.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson is the author of the essay “Self-Reliance”. Ralph Waldo Emerson — one of the greatest philosophers — was the wise men of Western culture. He still has a great influence. Moreover, his ideas were never more relevant than today. “Self-Reliance” has become one of the key works that formed the ethics of American individualism. It continues to be part of the modern rich literary heritage. “Insist on your own, never imitate anyone. You can use your own gift at any moment by combining it with the achievements of the whole civilization, but if you rely on the talent of another person, you will get only a random half of the achievement..”, — wrote Emerson in his work. The writer called out to trust yourself. This means listening carefully and trying to hear God’s quiet voice inside yourself.

Thomas Eliot

Thomas Eliot wrote the famous essay “Tradition and Individual Talent”. This is a key essay from the collection “The Destination of Poetry”. Eliot here reflects on two components of poetry: the personal feeling of the author, introducing his individuality into the work, and also on the literary tradition in which the author exists. The key idea of the essay is about the value of the emotion that arises inside the work. The uniqueness of this paper lies in the fact that Eliot as if covers all literature and art. The author of the essay gives a masterly simple definition of the difference between good and bad poets, which consists of a conscious or unconscious approach to creation. According to Eliot, a good poet prefers consciousness as a more subtle sphere.

Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin wrote an essay on the topic “A work of art in the era of its technical reproducibility”. In a small essay, just a few pages, Benjamin raises, in general, the main questions about art ‘in that times and ‘nowadays’, about how we perceive art in general, about how this perception has changed over the centuries, about whether art is photography and how the concept of art, in general, has changed with the advent of photography, about how to evaluate the notorious ‘technical reproducibility’ in the context of the value of a single work. Benjamin has no answers but the method that he chose to explain his position eloquently replaces all the lengthy reasoning that might appear. In order to understand the seething of the author’s feelings, it’s enough to read a single sentence from his essay several times: “Orientation of reality to the masses and masses to reality is a process, which influences on thinking and perception is limitless”.

Thus, now you know information about famous essay authors. We hope you find this information useful.

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