Acne Scarring: How to Best Handle It

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Generally, acne scars occur due to acne blemishes inflammation. The acne pore breakdown and swells develop within the pole walls. Some acne marks are small, and they leave shallow scars that usually heal quickly. However, the blemish’s contents may spill into the nearby tissues resulting in deeper scars.

Your doctor will help you develop the proper treatment for managing your acne scars, depending on your requirements. There are various elements that the doctor will have to consider as they develop your treatment plan. The elements may include the area of your body where the scars are and the type of scars. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the earlier acne treatments you’ve had before, if any.

Your doctor might recommend a combined treatment. This will work in giving you the best results. For instance, if you have a boxcar scar, the doctor might recommend (subcision) and acne scar surgery and laser therapy as your best option.

Following are some tips on effective treatments for acne scars.

Depressed Acne Scars Treatments

As noted above best outcome usually comes as a result of combining two treatments.

Below are some of the treatment options that your doctor may use in treating your acne scars.

1. Resurfacing Procedures

If you wish to eliminate the visual appearance of the acne scarring, a resurfacing procedure might work best for you. The procedure involves the removal of skin layers, leaving your body to generate new skin cells. Following are the resurfacing procedures that your dermatologists may perform to diminish your acne scars.

  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Dermabrasion
  • Chemical peeling
  • Microdermabrasion

Generally, resurfacing procedures are recommendable for nearly flat acne scars as they produce the best results. Additionally, these procedures will help you make the acne scars less visible.

2. Acne Scar Surgery

To treat more visible acne scars, your doctors may perform a minor surgical procedure. The main motive of this procedure is to diminish the visible scars making them less noticeable. And with time, the remaining visible scars will fade away.

During acne scar surgery, your doctor might lift the scars. This works in bringing the scars closer to the skin surface. And as a result, your scars will seem less visible. Additionally, the procedure may involve breaking up the scar tissues. Generally, an acne scar surgery procedure can take place in a medical center. Your doctor will apply local anesthesia to help reduce the pain during the procedure. The surgery works best in treating depressed scars.

3. Fillers

Most doctors use fillers treatment options to effectively and safely diminish depressed acne scars. Substances that can be used to fill the depressed acne scars may include the patient’s fat, collagen among others. While some fillers provide a permanent solution, others will offer you a temporary result of about 6 – 18 months. Both permanent and temporary fillers have their unique benefits and shortcomings. Your doctor will help you choose the right option.

4.Skin Tightening

This treatment offers you an affordable and safer way of managing acne scars for all types of skin. It involves radiofrequency technology to tighten your skin, and as your skin tightens, the scars become less visible.

However, radiofrequency requires regular appointments, with most patients scheduling it monthly for four consecutive months. Most patients experience the best results with this treatment option. However, you may experience a pinkish color and a burning sensation feels few days after the treatment. Additionally, you may need to wear sunscreen with UVA/UVB safety, water resistance, among other protective measures as directed by your doctor.

5. Injections

Your doctor may directly inject medicine into your scars to help you soften and flatten thick, raised scars. However, a repeat visit to your doctor is critical for best results. Depending on your acne scars, your doctor will advise you on how regularly you need to repeat the injection.

The injections may include corticosteroid injections or fluorouracil (5-FU) injection. Some patients experience the best results when injected with a combination of the two injections. Another effective injection is the interferon injection, also used in cancer treatment. Human bodies produce interferon naturally.

6. Laser Therapy

Generally, most light treatments, including laser therapy, are practical options for handling raised acne scars. Laser therapy involves using PDL (pulsed dye laser) to flatten and eliminate raised scars with reduced pain and itch. Although laser therapy may treat all acne scars, it may not be a suitable option for lighter-skinned people.

7. Cryosurgery

Through this treatment, your doctor will combine corticosteroid injections and some cryotherapy sessions. The treatment involves freezing your acne scar tissue, leaving it to die and will fall off with time. It is a combination that offers the best outcomes. However, for better results, be sure to look for an experienced specialist. Cryotherapy has the disadvantage of that it may result in some permanent light spots on your skin.

8. Scar Gels, Creams, and Silicone Dressings

Although these products are available, they often lack prescription. You may apply these products at home to reduce the visual appearance of acne scars. In addition, they are recommended for reducing discomfort and itch as well as flattening and shrinking acne scars.

Silicone bandages and dressings may help hydrate your skin hence reducing pain and itch and making your skin more flexible. Make sure that you apply these products continuously for effective results. Most people opt for these products due to the less risky side effects associated with them. However, some people may experience itchy skin and irritation with continuous use of these products.


Generally, most treatments may help you effectively handle the acne scarring by reducing scars visibility and size. And with time, the remaining scars will diminish to barely invisible.

Additionally, be sure to seek treatment from a skilled specialist as results are highly dependent on the skills and knowledge of your doctor.

Dermatologic surgeons and dermatologists often perform these treatments, and hence they possess the experience and skills necessary to perform these procedures effectively and safely. Although dermatologists provide effective and safe treatment options for acne scars, prevention could be a better way of handling it.

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