3 Ways to Pay Bills Without a Bank Account


No doubt, having a bank account simplifies the billing process. But, there are times when you don’t have a bank account because you’re a minor individual, just moved to a new country, or like to avoid unnecessary bank charges. So how to pay bills on time? Although paying cash or paying in person is usually free of cost, it does take time. Here I’m going to discuss a few alternative ways to simplify the process for you: 

Send via a Money Order

Money orders exactly function like regular checks. They are an alternative to cash and are generally used to make payments or pay bills in the absence of a bank account. It would be appropriate here to mention that you can use a money order to pay for your utility bills, mobile phone charges, insurance premiums, debt payments, grocery shopping, etc. If you’re wondering how to send a money order or how it works to pay bills, then no worries. The process is quite easy-to-understand and easy-to-execute.

First, you need to search for a place that offers money order. You can conveniently buy a money order from a number of locations. They include banks, credit unions, gas stations, pharmacies, grocery stores, post offices, and places like Western Union. After you’ve got a document with an issued amount printed on it, you need to put payee information (full name, address, contact number). The recipient can be an individual or a company to whom you intend to pay bills. Next, you need to pay for a money order and fee. In the last step, you sign the money order and mail it. Remember to hold onto a receipt as a valid proof of your payment.

Create an E-Wallet

E-wallet is a contemporary and cost-effective method to pay bills if you don’t have a bank account. Under this option, you set-up a virtual account with a reliable provider to transfer money online. You can send & receive money in no time. There are no hassle and hefty charges when it comes to signing up for an E-wallet.

If you’re wondering, how does it work? Then, you must know that you’ve to open an E-wallet account, which is fast and quick. You don’t need a bank account or any credit checks to immediately start your account. You can top up your account either online or offline through a secure app or visiting a bank. If your recipient has an E-wallet with the same provider, you wouldn’t have to incur any additional fees for sending money and paying bills. E-wallet is a viable solution to make purchases worldwide.

Through a Prepaid Debit Card

Have you ever heard the idea of using prepaid card services to pay your bills? If not, then you must know that a prepaid debit card can be used to make payments in the absence of a bank account. This method works online or over the phone. A prepaid debit card, as the name speaks for itself, is a preloaded card that comes with whatever amount you pay into it.

You can acquire a prepaid debit card from places, like banks, financial vendors, convenience stores, post offices, and major drug stores. Prepaid cards are enormously used to pay utility bills and for online shopping. Since a prepaid debit card comes with a major credit card logo, you can safely use it at different locations. However, you will have to pay a small fee to the provider to activate your card.

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